Ive played most of the WWII FPS games, and I cant say I like this one much. As others have noted, its hard to get the controls down, but I could live with that. What I really dont like in many games is the "this is the only way it can be done" approach to solving a level. The game doesnt give you a way to get through a level without dying multiple times. How can you survive a direct tank shot when you come around a corner? You cant. So, you die, and then the next time through, you know the tank is there, until the next corner. Then you die there are try again. Its almost better to run through the level the first time and get shot up, just so you can scout the landscape.
Another thing -- the transitions and talk-talk with the other characters is lame. The actors are lame. And there is too much language, and language that is too modern.
Ive tried to like it, but I think Ill uninstall it. I just end up getting mad at the game in a way I never did with, say, COD. I wont be buying the others, thats for sure.